Thursday, June 18, 2009

Joan vs. Carol, ROUND I

Welcome to Thursday, kids! You made hump day your bitch and now you're well on your way to conquering yet another day in your quest to reach the weekend.

I have absolutely nothing exciting to talk about today, so I'll just go ahead and talk about boring stuff and make it sound interesting....

Last night, I informed my children that bedtime would be promptly at 9:30 pm. I've been pretty lax about bedtime so far this summer, so naturally...

"(insert whiney voice) Whyyyyyyy?" asks my son.

"Because Mommy needs quiet time," I say.

"That's not fair! You're gonna make us go to bed early so you can have quiet time?"

At this point in the game, I'm losing. He's got a point. But then again, I'm the Mom, damnit! You'll go to bed at 3:30 pm and like it! No, bad Mommy. It's summer, let them stay up late.

See, I perpetually deal with this internal Mom-struggle. It's like I've got Carol Brady on one shoulder and Joan Crawford on the other. Carol won last night-I didn't get the kids to bed until after ten. Then, Joan wanted a beer. We were out. Carol won that one because good Mommies don't get drunk after the kids go to bed. Then...

Joan says, 'Ooooooh, let's watch Secretary!'

Carol: Oh, I dunno. That's kind of soft-core, isn't it? S & M? I don't know...maybe we should just enjoy a quiet evening of a little chit-chat with Facebook friends and then an early bedtime.

Joan: Carol, stop being such a twat. WIRE HANGERS!!!!!!!!!

Carol: Noooo! Please! Not the hangers again! FINE! I'll cover my eyes when they show the dirty parts...

Joan: 1/Carol: 0

Secretary is a really good movie. I highly recommend it...


  1. LMAO
    i have no idea who Carol is, or what Secretary is, but this made me chuckle non the less.

  2. Interesting...I had the very same convo tonight with mine. Well, except I smacked down bedtime at 9pm. Love your blog today...I too have a Carol and a Joan. Now I am off to find out more about the Secretary and drink a beer, LMAO!

    <3 U8MyCrayons (Stupid blogger wont let me sign in!

  3. My Joan killed Carol long ago. I've been loving life ever since. :P
